Thursday 3 January 2013

Liebster Award

In the blogging world, i've been nominated for this twice. but i cant find the first person that tagged me! :s so im answering the second person's questions only :D

The Rules:
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves
-Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for your nominees
-Choose 11 people and link them in your post
-Go to their page and tell them
-No tag backs!
1. I WANT SAMSUNG SII PINK, cause it looks so pretty!
2. I will turn 21 this year
3. I dont drink Coke!
4. My blog's link is originally
5. I am underweight and i hate it. F U fast metabolism
6. I have the tendency of buying pretty things and never wear it.
7. I can be very sensitive
8. Besides cosmetics, i love trying out new foods!
9. I love to cook/bake, but im too lazy
10. Money makes me happy
11. I'd love to travel all around the world!

1. What’s your favorite color? I dont have any favorites
2. What’s your favorite street makeup brand and product? i dont know any street makeup brand :( 
3. Who is your current favorite musician/band? Taylor Swift, forever
4. Where do you currently live, and where do you most want to go? living in Brunei, want to go to Singapore!
5. What made you start blogging? i honestly cant remember!
6. What’s your favorite online clothing store? (Bonus points if they ship to the US.) i dont have favorites! but i love ebay!
7. What’s your favorite recipe to cook/bake? Link if available! hmm, i used to bake this all the time :
8. What’s your skin type and daily skin care regime? i think i have a normal-dry skintype. & i only cleanse my face. not complicated :)
9. What’s your current occupation? currently, waiting for school to start. so, a student. 
10. What’s your favorite season… and why? my country dont have seasons :D 
11. Name something popular/trendy that you hate. galaxy tights! sorry!

1. When did you start to be interested in beauty products?
2. What is your beauty MUST HAVES item?
3. Where do you shop your beauty items the most?
4. If you have to pick only two makeup products to put on your face, what would it be?
5. Do you trust anyone else to do your makeup?

6. Worst beauty product you EVER tried?
7. Do you have a daily skincare regime?
8. How much is 'too much' makeup?
9. If you can dye your hair, what color would you pick?
10. Are you more into makeup or skincare products?
11. Whats your new year's resolution?


thanks for Imah cause i discovered a couple of new bruneian bloggers from her blog! sorry if i mistaken any of your blog for a 'beauty/lifestyle blog"! if you're a bruneian blogger and you're not on this list, feel free to comment your link! its always nice to know there's more of 'US' :P

you dont HAVE to write a blogpost to answer, you can always comment if you want. if you dont want to answer, its okay... *NO FUN!* plus, im too lazy to let you all know one by one :( and i know theres a couple of them on the list is inactive. blogging isnt really that big here in brunei


  1. Thank you for tagging! :D Insya Allah will do it after we got back from our holiday hehe ;)

  2. Thanks for the post! Excited to check out all these new blogs. I really wanted the Samsung SIII in pink... but it's only in Korea. Of course. So I settled for the white one with a pink case. Not the same, but still cute. :) Also, your latest food posts are really making me want to move to Brunei...
