Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Mane & Tail Detangling Spray & Wet Brush Original Detangler Brush Review

My daughter has matted hair for years. It was mild at first but it has become worse over the years. We tried hair serum, hair oil, conditioner, WE EVEN TRIED OLAPLEX.. and it did not went away. some may helped but only until her next hair wash. I need a solution because it got to a point where I cant even brush her hair, or it hurts when brushing.

Anyway, I am not sure why her hair turned like that. Its either because she got slimes on her hair before, or simply because she lacks hair brushing 😳 I actually did not know that she suffers from matted hair. I thought its damaged hair.. so I googled wrong all these time 😂 but someone mentioned that it is Hair Matting, so of course I googled away.

Detangle spray + a detangle hair brush.

I checked Paloma website and picked Mane & Tail Detangling Spray and Wet Brush Original Detangler Comb. why I picked these? there was not much option on their website and these are the only ones I can find that has good reviews.

It took almost a week for my order to arrive home, and of course I used it right away! It took us a few minutes but ITS AMAZING HOW IT WORKS COMPLETELY. I haven't seen her hair that smooth for such a long time. & it stays that away even after hair wash! as for now (two weeks), it doesn't come back at all. it was one of my best purchase, the spray and the hair brush. I also bought Mane & Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner and it works as great also!

The only thing I did not liked about the spray is that - it worked so well instantly I dont know what to do with it anymore, I wish it comes in a small bottle 😂

update: its also great for dolls!

Thursday, 10 March 2022

I am now a Pawrent

 I have always seen myself as someone who has cats. We used to have cats indoor for a few years, but their deaths was devastating. So I avoided having more 😅 In addition, after I gave birth to my first born.. suddenly I am sensitive to cat\"s fur. My eyes would get all red and itchy. & my face would get hives. For example, we went to a pet store that sells cats.. and after the visit, I couldn\"t stop sneezing and my face got all itchy and my eyes were sooo itchy and red. and I was wearing mask and shield during the visit! 

Anyway, around a month ago, my auntie asked me if I want to buy cats since her friend are selling it to her with a good price. I took a lot at the cats and I instantly said yes! without even discussing with my husband. haha. but of course, he has the same reaction as mine because we did plan to get a cat for the new house. 

But the problem was;

Our house is not even close to ready yet. Are we financially ready for a cat? What do cat needs? Where do they sleep? How to litter train? How will the family react to us having cats?

anyway, we had to decide quickly because we dont want to lose the offer price 😂 so, we just said yes. 

Our house is not even ready yet. Yes, it is not, but we have added a cat room to our house plan 😅

Are we financially ready for cats? Honestly, yes. things has been going good

What do cat needs? i’ve been researching about what they need, what food they eat, dry food wer food, cats toys, litter box, etc!! It was fun to read and I spent around $400 for all that! 😂 

Where do they sleep? ugh this was tricky. at first, we were planning to put them indoors. we have an empty room that no one use. but unfortunately, there was no mutual agreement with other family members 🥲 so for now, they are sleeping outdoors. but with a clean and safe environment (which i will talk more on a separate post!)

How to litter train? so glad that they are already litter trained!

How will the family react? well, it was a mixed reaction. but hopefully it’ll grow on them soon

but anyway, I got two so that they can play together. 

I will talk about them more on the next post! :)

hello again!

HEY EVERYONE! I am back to blogging! or trying to. i hope i still have my readers haha